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Actions are methods defined in the component class. They allow you to react to user interactions.

Let's take a look at the following component:

// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public void Add()
// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public void Add()

A browser event of an element can be attached to an action method by using the hydro-on tag helper:

<!-- Counter.cshtml -->

@model Counter
  Count: <strong>@Model.Count</strong>
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Add())">
<!-- Counter.cshtml -->

@model Counter
  Count: <strong>@Model.Count</strong>
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Add())">

The attribute hydro-on can be defined as:



  • event: a definition of the event handler that is compatible with Alpine.js's x-on directive
  • expression: C# lambda expression that calls the the callback method


<button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Add(20))">

<div hydro-on:click.outside="@(() => Model.Close())">

<input type="text" hydro-on:keyup.shift.enter="@(() => Model.Save())">
<button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Add(20))">

<div hydro-on:click.outside="@(() => Model.Close())">

<input type="text" hydro-on:keyup.shift.enter="@(() => Model.Save())">


If your action contains parameters, you can pass them in a regular way.


// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public void Set(int newValue)
        Count = newValue;
// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }
    public void Set(int newValue)
        Count = newValue;
<!-- Counter.cshtml -->

@model Counter
  Count: <strong>@Model.Count</strong>
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Set(20))">
    Set to 20
<!-- Counter.cshtml -->

@model Counter
  Count: <strong>@Model.Count</strong>
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Set(20))">
    Set to 20

JavaScript expression as a parameter

In some cases, like integrating with JavaScript libraries like maps, rich-text editors, etc. it might be useful to call a Hydro action with parameters evaluated on client side via JavaScript expression. You can use then Param.JS<T>(string value) method, where:

  • T: type of the parameter
  • value: JavaScript expression to evaluate

If your parameter type is a string, you can use a shorter version:

Param.JS(string value)


// Content.cshtml.cs

public class Content : HydroComponent
    public void Update(string value)
        // ...
// Content.cshtml.cs

public class Content : HydroComponent
    public void Update(string value)
        // ...
<!-- Content.cshtml -->

@model Content
  <input type="text" id="myInput">
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Update(Param.JS("window.myInput.value")))">
    Update content
<!-- Content.cshtml -->

@model Content
  <input type="text" id="myInput">
  <button hydro-on:click="@(() => Model.Update(Param.JS("window.myInput.value")))">
    Update content

After clicking the button from the code above, Hydro will execute the expression window.myInput.value on the client side, and pass it as a value parameter to the Update action.

NOTE: In case of using widely this feature in your component, you can add:

@using static Hydro.Param and call JS without Param. prefix.

Asynchronous actions

If you want to use asynchronous operations in your actions, just change the signature of the method as in this example:

public async Task Add()
    await database.Add();
public async Task Add()
    await database.Add();