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Hydro provides IHydroAuthorizationFilter interface that can be used for creating custom authorization attributes for Hydro components.

Attribute example:

public sealed class CustomComponentAuthorizeAttribute : Attribute, IHydroAuthorizationFilter
    public Task<bool> AuthorizeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, object component)
        var isAuthorized = httpContext.User.Identity?.IsAuthenticated ?? false;     
        return Task.FromResult(isAuthorized);
public sealed class CustomComponentAuthorizeAttribute : Attribute, IHydroAuthorizationFilter
    public Task<bool> AuthorizeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, object component)
        var isAuthorized = httpContext.User.Identity?.IsAuthenticated ?? false;     
        return Task.FromResult(isAuthorized);


public class ProductList : HydroComponent
public class ProductList : HydroComponent

If AuthorizeAsync returns false, the component won't be rendered.

Using component state for authorization process

It might happen that authorization will be dependent on state of your component. One of the ways to solve it is to create an interface representing the state you need for authorization.


public interface IWorkspaceComponent
    string WorkspaceId { get; }
public interface IWorkspaceComponent
    string WorkspaceId { get; }

Authorization attribute:

public sealed class WorkspaceComponentAuthorizeAttribute : Attribute, IHydroAuthorizationFilter
    public async Task<bool> AuthorizeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, object component)
        var workspaceComponent = (IWorkspaceComponent)component;
        var authorizationService = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAuthorizationService>();
        return authorizationService.IsWorkspaceAuthorized(workspaceComponent.WorkspaceId);
public sealed class WorkspaceComponentAuthorizeAttribute : Attribute, IHydroAuthorizationFilter
    public async Task<bool> AuthorizeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, object component)
        var workspaceComponent = (IWorkspaceComponent)component;
        var authorizationService = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAuthorizationService>();
        return authorizationService.IsWorkspaceAuthorized(workspaceComponent.WorkspaceId);
public class ProductList : HydroComponent, IWorkspaceComponent
    public string WorkspaceId { get; set; }
public class ProductList : HydroComponent, IWorkspaceComponent
    public string WorkspaceId { get; set; }