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You can bind your component's properties to any input/select/textarea element by using hydro-bind. It will synchronize the client value with server value on the chosen event (change as default).


// NameForm.cshtml.cs

public class NameForm : HydroComponent
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
// NameForm.cshtml.cs

public class NameForm : HydroComponent
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
<!-- NameForm.cshtml -->

@model NameForm

  <input asp-for="FirstName" hydro-bind />
  <input asp-for="LastName" hydro-bind />
  <span>Full name: @Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</span>
<!-- NameForm.cshtml -->

@model NameForm

  <input asp-for="FirstName" hydro-bind />
  <input asp-for="LastName" hydro-bind />
  <span>Full name: @Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</span>

Trigger event

The default event used for binding is change. To choose another event, you can specify it:

<input asp-for="Search" hydro-bind:input />
<input asp-for="Search" hydro-bind:input />


To debounce the bind event use the .debounce attribute expression:

<input asp-for="Search" hydro-bind:keydown.debounce.500ms />
<input asp-for="Search" hydro-bind:keydown.debounce.500ms />

Handling bind event in a component

In order to inject custom logic after bind is executed, override the Bind method in your Hydro component:

public string Name { get; set; }

public override void Bind(PropertyPath property, object value)
    if (property.Name == nameof(Name))
        var newValue = (string)value;
        // your logic    
public string Name { get; set; }

public override void Bind(PropertyPath property, object value)
    if (property.Name == nameof(Name))
        var newValue = (string)value;
        // your logic    

File upload

You can use file inputs to enable file upload. Example:

<!-- AddAttachment.cshtml -->

@model AddAttachment

    hydro-bind />
<!-- AddAttachment.cshtml -->

@model AddAttachment

    hydro-bind />
// AddAttachment.cshtml.cs

public class AddAttachment : HydroComponent
    public IFormFile DocumentFile { get; set; }

    public string DocumentId { get; set; }

    public async Task Save()
        if (!Validate())

        var tempFilePath = GetTempFileLocation(DocumentId);

        // Move your file at tempFilePath to the final storage
        // and save that information in your domain

    public override async Task BindAsync(PropertyPath property, object value)
        if (property.Name == nameof(DocumentFile))
            // assign the temp file name to the DocumentId
            DocumentId = await GetStoredTempFileId((IFormFile)value);

    private static async Task<string> GetStoredTempFileId(IFormFile file)
        if (file == null)
            return null;

        var tempFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
        var tempFilePath = GetTempFileLocation(tempFileName);

        await using var readStream = file.OpenReadStream();
        await using var writeStream = File.OpenWrite(tempFilePath);
        await readStream.CopyToAsync(writeStream);
        return tempFileName;

    private static string GetTempFileLocation(string fileName) =>
        Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), fileName);
// AddAttachment.cshtml.cs

public class AddAttachment : HydroComponent
    public IFormFile DocumentFile { get; set; }

    public string DocumentId { get; set; }

    public async Task Save()
        if (!Validate())

        var tempFilePath = GetTempFileLocation(DocumentId);

        // Move your file at tempFilePath to the final storage
        // and save that information in your domain

    public override async Task BindAsync(PropertyPath property, object value)
        if (property.Name == nameof(DocumentFile))
            // assign the temp file name to the DocumentId
            DocumentId = await GetStoredTempFileId((IFormFile)value);

    private static async Task<string> GetStoredTempFileId(IFormFile file)
        if (file == null)
            return null;

        var tempFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
        var tempFilePath = GetTempFileLocation(tempFileName);

        await using var readStream = file.OpenReadStream();
        await using var writeStream = File.OpenWrite(tempFilePath);
        await readStream.CopyToAsync(writeStream);
        return tempFileName;

    private static string GetTempFileLocation(string fileName) =>
        Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), fileName);

DocumentFile property represents the file that is sent by the user. We need to put [Transient] attribute on it, to make sure it's not serialized, kept on the page, and sent back to the server each time - it would be a lot of data to transfer in case of large files.

The place where we interact with the uploaded file is the BindAsync method. We store the file in a temporary storage which we can use later when submitting the form.

NOTE: Make sure the temporary storage is cleared periodically.


.hydro-request CSS class is toggled on the elements that are currently in the binding process