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Parameters are public properties on a component and are used to store component's state. They also allow the passing of data or settings from a parent component to a child component. Parameters can include any types of values, such as integers, strings, and complex objects.

Let's look at the Counter component:

// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }
// Counter.cshtml.cs

public class Counter : HydroComponent
    public int Count { get; set; }

The Count property can be set by a parameter, when this component is triggered from outside:

<!-- Index.cshtml -->

<hydro name="Counter" params="@(new { Count = 10 })"/>
<!-- Index.cshtml -->

<hydro name="Counter" params="@(new { Count = 10 })"/>

Or when using vc:* tag helpers:

<!-- Index.cshtml -->

<vc:counter parameters="@(new { Count = 10 })"/>
<!-- Index.cshtml -->

<vc:counter parameters="@(new { Count = 10 })"/>


<!-- Index.cshtml -->
@await Component.Hydro("Counter", new { Count = 10 })
<!-- Index.cshtml -->
@await Component.Hydro("Counter", new { Count = 10 })

Transient properties

Sometimes there is no need to persist the property value across the request because its value is valid only within the current request, for example a message after successful saving.

Another use case is handling the list of rows that you want to show in a table. If there are many rows and they should be fetched from the database on each parameter change, you probably don't want to keep the state of those rows across requests.

There are two ways to define a transient property:

Transient attribute

public class ProductForm : HydroComponent
    public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }
public class ProductForm : HydroComponent
    public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }

Property without setter

public class ProductForm : HydroComponent
    public DateTime CurrentDate => DateTime.Now;
public class ProductForm : HydroComponent
    public DateTime CurrentDate => DateTime.Now;

State of the parameters in time

The values are passed to the component only once and any update to the parameters won't refresh the parent component. If you want the component to refresh its state, you would have to use events or change the key parameter of the component.


When rendering a Hydro component, you can provide an optional key argument:

<hydro name="MyComponent" key="1"/>
<hydro name="MyComponent" key="1"/>


@(await Component.Hydro<MyComponent>(key: "1"))
@(await Component.Hydro<MyComponent>(key: "1"))

It's used when you have multiple components of the same type on the page to make it possible to distinguish them during DOM updates.

Usage examples:

@foreach (var item in Items)
  <hydro name="Product" key="@item.Id"/>
@foreach (var item in Items)
  <hydro name="Product" key="@item.Id"/>


<hydro name="Product" key="1"/>
<hydro name="Product" key="2"/>
<hydro name="Product" key="1"/>
<hydro name="Product" key="2"/>


Let's imagine you need to show list of customers in a table. It's good to use caching per request for such rows data, because you might want to access your filtered or sorted list in your view and actions, and you don't want to fetch the data each time you access it. Hydro has a solution for that which is built-in caching. To enable caching, create a read-only property that uses Cache method. If the property name is called Customers, you can get value either in view or component from the cache using Customers.Value. Example:

// CustomerList.cshtml.cs

public class CustomerList(IDatabase database) : HydroComponent
    public string SearchPhrase { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> Selection { get; set; } = new();

    public Cache<Task<List<Customer>>> Customers => Cache(async () =>
        var query = database.Query<Customer>();
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPhrase))
            query = query.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(SearchPhrase));
        return await query.ToListAsync();
    public async Task Print()
        var customers = await Customers.Value;
        if (!customers.Any())

        var customerIds = customers.Select(c => c.Id).ToList();
        Location(Url.Page("/Customers/Print"), new CustomersPrintPayload(customerIds));
// CustomerList.cshtml.cs

public class CustomerList(IDatabase database) : HydroComponent
    public string SearchPhrase { get; set; }
    public HashSet<string> Selection { get; set; } = new();

    public Cache<Task<List<Customer>>> Customers => Cache(async () =>
        var query = database.Query<Customer>();
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchPhrase))
            query = query.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(SearchPhrase));
        return await query.ToListAsync();
    public async Task Print()
        var customers = await Customers.Value;
        if (!customers.Any())

        var customerIds = customers.Select(c => c.Id).ToList();
        Location(Url.Page("/Customers/Print"), new CustomersPrintPayload(customerIds));
<!-- CustomerList.cshtml -->

@model CustomerList

<input asp-for="SearchPhrase" hydro-bind:input.debounce placeholder="Search..." />

<table class="table table-sm">
    <td>Customer name</td>
  @foreach (var customer in await Model.Customers.Value)
<!-- CustomerList.cshtml -->

@model CustomerList

<input asp-for="SearchPhrase" hydro-bind:input.debounce placeholder="Search..." />

<table class="table table-sm">
    <td>Customer name</td>
  @foreach (var customer in await Model.Customers.Value)